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The ANTI GREY HAIR LOTION is an innovative product from REDENHAIR, formulated to reverse the hair's greying process thanks to its main active substance, GREYVERSE®, recognised for its great capacity to naturally and simply return hair to its natural colour.

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REDENHAIR ANTI GREY HAIR LOTION is a latest-generation product that reverses the greying process and progressively brings back the natural colour of hair to achieve a more youthful look.

The lotion is formulated based on rosemary water, with properties that are highly beneficial to hair health, in addition to several active substances that specifically act to maintain our natural hair colour and prevent the appearance of grey hair.

One of these active substances is GREYVERSE®, recognised in the 2018 BEAUTY INDUSTRY AWARDS for being the first active substance that, after being progressively applied, is able to increase hair pigmentation. GREYVERSE® is backed by several efficacy studies that have proven its great capacity to recover the true colour of our hair.

Another ingredient is MELITANE®, a biomimetic peptide that stimulates the formation of melanin and improves hair pigmentation. The lotion also contains NUCLEO TRICO HYAL®, a cross-linked hyaluronic acid that extends its duration to allow penetration by all the active substances. It is accompanied by polyphenols and polynucleotides, which contribute anti-oxidant activity, improve follicular activity and penetrate the follicle to optimise oxygenation of the bulb. And finally, CHROMAFEND™ BIOFUNCTIONAL, which is a unique linseed extract designed to help preserve the melanin in hair follicles. Specific protein markers are the targets of this innovative technology, which are key for controlling melanin synthesis.


The role of melanin

Hair colour varies according to the genetic inheritance of each individual. The wide range of natural hair colours (different tones of blonde, red, brown or black) is the result of the amount of variables and the distribution of two types of melanin in the cortex, or mid-layer of the hair shaft: eumelanin (pigmentation from black to brown) and pheomelanin (pigmentation from red to blonde). The composition of this mix is determined genetically according to the need our ancestors had to protect their hair as result of their geographic location.

Like the skin, the objective of the melanin in the hair is basically to protect from sun damage. Thanks to the fact that the pigmentation can absorb UV rays, it is possible to protect the hair against drying and breakage, split ends, thinning of the follicles and frizz.

In addition, melanin is also able to neutralise toxins, heavy metals and other potentially toxic substances that can accumulate in the protein structure of the hair. In fact, through the selective, avid union of these compounds with the melanin pigment, their access is limited, and therefore the potential damage to the living tissue of the highly vascularised scalp is also limited.

Melanin synthesis

Melanin is only produced by melanocytes during the anagen phase (growth stage) of the hair cycle. The melanocytes are in the bulb of each hair follicle in the basal membrane that surrounds the dermal papilla. The pigmentation is transferred through dendrites from melanocytes to the surrounding keratinocytes in a continuous flow while they proliferate, building the new part of a pigmented hair shaft.

Genetically programmed, the formation process of grey hairs generally starts around the age of 30 for Caucasians, later for Asians (late 30s) and later still for Africans (mid 40s). This unwanted process can also affect some younger people, in the form of premature greying, which can even start before the age of 20. The first grey hairs usually appear at the temples and then spread to the rest of the scalp. Facial and body hair are usually affected later.

In any event, the emergence of grey in the hair shaft is due to a gradual loss of melanin caused by various factors. As the pigment level decreases, the hair colour gets lighter and lighter, and the hair shaft starts to look grey. When the pigment level is even lower, it becomes undetectable to the human eye (due to changes in the reflection of light caused by the low pigment level), and transparent hair appears white. This condition can be reversed as long as there are still some melanocytes present in the bulb. The final step of the hair’s greying process (a fully white hair shaft), which is completely irreversible, occurs when the hair no longer contains any pigment due to a complete loss of all the melanocytes.

There are two factors that have been identified as the main causes of the formation process of grey hair: the reduction of melanogenesis and the increase in the oxidative stress in the hair bulb.

  • With time, the amount of melanocytes and their activity in the hair bulb decrease, which entails a reduction in the process of melanogenesis, which develops according to the "melanogenic clock".

    The synthesis of melanin in the melanocytes decreases due to a lower stimulation of the process and a lower activity of the enzymes involved (tyrosinase and TRP-1). In addition, the transfer of melanosome (blister containing melanin) to the surrounding keratinocytes decreases to due to a default in the interaction between melanocytes/keratinocytes. Therefore, the final amount of pigmentation in the hair shaft is attenuated until the hair turns grey and then white.

  • Oxidative stress increases due to the reduction of two main enzymatic activities:
  1. Catalase. The cells of the hair follicle produce small amounts of hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) as part of the oxygen cycle. This oxidative substance is degraded naturally by the catalase, forming water and oxygen.

    H2O2 => 2H2O + O2

    With ageing, the activity of the catalase enzyme decreases, which leads to an accumulation of H2O2 that whitens the melanin pigments and the hair from the inside out, gradually causing the loss of the natural hair colour.

    The accumulation of H2O2 also inhibits the activity of tyrosinase, the enzyme involved in the melanin synthesis, thus reducing the ability of the melanocytes to produce pigmentation.

  2. TRP-2 (protein related to tyrosinase-2), initially known as an enzyme involved in the synthesis of melanin, is also an anti-oxidant enzyme that protects and defends the melanocytes against the generation of reactive oxygen species (or free radicals). The reduction of TRP-2 intensifies the loss of melanocytes as they become more sensitive to the aggressions of these free radicals.


Shake before using. Apply twice a day to grey hair (if possible, after washing hair), and gently massage, ensuring that the product comes into contact with the scalp so that the active substances can penetrate. Due to its design in a spray format, the product can be spread over the whole area to be treated. Do not rinse. Avoid contact with eyes and mucous membranes. Keep this product out of the reach of children.




Greyverse ™ is the result of an extensive selection of various peptides tested on different biological targets involved in the hair’s greying process. It was recognised in the 2018 BEAUTY INDUSTRY AWARDS for being the first active substance that, after being progressively applied, is able to increase hair pigmentation.

Greyverse™ is a patented palmityl tetrapeptide (4 amino acids grafted in palmitic acid). The active sequence is derived from the structure of α-MSH, known for being the main molecule capable of stimulating melanogenesis.

As an analogue of α-MSH, Greyverse™ is able to bind to MC1-R, a transmembrane receptor located on the surface of melanocytes. The activation of MC1-R stimulates the process of melanogenesis, as well as the expression and activity of the catalase enzyme. This reduces the accumulation of the oxygen peroxide, which ends up accelerating the formation process of grey hairs.

Due to its complete action mechanism, Greyverse™ can act simultaneously and efficiently on the two main factors that cause the greying process of hair:

  • It stimulates melanogenesis to increase the production of melanin in the bulb and favour an improved transfer, which eventually leads to hair repigmentation.

  • It reduces oxidative stress by increasing catalase expression and activity, thereby decreasing the accumulation of hydrogen peroxide in order to maintain the colour of the complete pigment.

Unlike the melanocytes of the skin, which if stimulated are able to produce a greater amount of melanin than the constitutive colour of the skin (facultative pigmentation), hair melanocytes cannot produce more than what they are genetically programmed to produce (only constitutive pigmentation). Therefore, Greyverse™ contributes to recovering the natural colour of hair and not temporarily darkening it like a dye.

Clinical trials prove the effectiveness of Greyverse™

The clinical evidence of the effect of this active ingredient is the most important argument, particularly for applications such as reversing the hair colour.

Greyverse™ has been tested on selected volunteers with premature greying (over 35 years of age and more than 20% grey hair), and it has been shown to decrease the general whitening of hair and bring back the natural colour after 3 months of treatment, with notable, very visible results.

As a biological process, the greying process of hair involves several genes. Evaluating the genetic expression and the synthesis of related proteins is an innovative way to demonstrate the product’s efficacy.

Based on an analysis of hair taken from several volunteers, Greyverse™ has proved its ability to modulate some of the main genes involved in pigmentation:

  • The increase in the expression of the gene MC1-R increases the number of receptors responsible for the induction of melanogenesis.

  • The increase in expression of the MC1-R gene increases the number of receptors that are responsible for inducing melanogenesis.

  • The decrease in expression of an α-MSH (ASIA) competing gene in order to bind to MC1-R favours the activation of this reception by α-MSH, thereby better inducing melanogenesis.

  • The increase in expression of a gene (MITF) stimulates the synthesis of melanin.

Nucleo Trico-Hyal

Nucleo Trico-Hyal is the result of the innovative concept of using cross-linked hyaluronic acid of the main cosmetic substances, which had already been developed, as the HYALU-CAGE SYSTEM®. This system involves the creation of a hyaluronic acid cage, which encloses the active substances that fight against the formation of grey hair, thereby protecting them against external agents that prevent those substances from penetrating completely. This revolutionary anti-ageing ingredient is formed by polyphenols and polynucleotides, and it has been specifically developed for hair care.

The benefits contributed by Nucleo Trico-Hyal are the following:

  • High anti-oxidant activity by the polyphenols, which improves follicular activity, detoxifies the cells and fights against the grey hairs caused by ageing.

  • The polynucleotides it contains stimulate cellular regeneration and multiplication, and they penetrate the follicle with a stimulating, nutritional and revitalising action, thereby optimising oxygenation of the bulb and increasing cellular metabolism.


Polyphenols constitute a heterogeneous group of natural substances, which are particularly known for their positive health effects. In nature, polyphenols are produced by the secondary metabolism of plants, and depending on the chemical diversity that characterises them, and play various roles: defence from herbivores and against pathogens, mechanical support and barrier function against microbial invasions, attraction of pollinators and growth inhibitors against competitor plants.

Depending on their structure, they can be schematically separated into three classes, mainly, simple phenols, flavonoids and tannins. They all protect cells from the damage caused by free radicals, which are generated by the normal cellular metabolism of stress-inducing events, such as radiation, smoke, pollutants, UV rays, emotional and physical stress, chemical additives, etc. They are capable of neutralising these free radicals before reacting with biological molecules, and in this sense it has been proven that they are valid protective agents against ionising radiation.

Thanks to their anti-oxidant effects, polyphenols help hair maintain its colour and natural shine. Daily treatments with a product that contains Nucleo Trico-Hyal are an excellent way to fight against free radicals, and they can effectively counteract the formation process of grey hair due to ageing. In fact, Nucleo Trico-Hyal has a strong detoxifying effect on hair, thereby making it stronger and shinier. Major physical and emotional stress can reduce the vitality of hair and induce hair loss. And as if this weren’t enough, hair is often worn down by products that are used daily (styling products, dyes, shampoos, aggressive cosmetics, etc.) and by excessive exposure to sunlight.

Moreover, given that there is a direct connection between the nutritional state and the synthesis of keratin in hair and nails, restrictive and/or unbalanced diets can cause both structural weakness in hair and the loss of hair. In all these cases, the progressive use of products that specifically contain Nucleo Trico-Hyal is the best solution for restoring hair colour and health.


The polynucleotides contained in Nucleo Trico-Hyal are cytidine monophosphate, disodium uridine monophosphate and adenosine phosphate. The actions of polynucleotides include the stimulation of cellular growth by increasing the metabolic activity of cells. The final effect is optimisation of tissue trophism, with the consequent increase in hair growth. These polynucleotides are true activators of tissue regeneration. Therefore, this ingredient is highly appropriate for treating cases in which the massive stimulation of cellular trophism is advantageous, such as in cases of hair loss.


The HYALU-CAGE SYSTEM® originated as an innovative idea for using hyaluronic acid (HA) as a cosmetic active substance with a prolonged release. This system is based on creating a HA cage that encloses the active substances that act against the formation of grey hair. Thus, all the active substances are protected against external agents, and thanks to the natural enzymatic degradability of hyaluronic acid, the substances are gradually released and are bio-available for a prolonged period.

The HA that is used is of a biotechnological origin and is cross-linked. This procedure allows the creation of a HA gel with varying degrees of cross-linking, and therefore “variable cages”. This, in turn, allows the construction of a perfect wrapping for each active substance, which have specific actions for capillary health according to their molecular size.

The image shows a cross link of various dimensions, created on the base of the HYALU-CAGE SYSTEM® (cross-linked hyaluronic acid), which contains the caged active substances. The gradual release of the active ingredient is due to the presence of hyaluronidase on the surface of the skin.

Cross-linked HA is mostly resistant to the enzymatic action of hyaluronidase, and this resistance increases with the degree of cross-linking. This means that, the higher the degree of cross-linking of the HA, the slower its degradation and, consequently, the slower the release of the active substance. In other words, the speed of release of the “caged” active substance is inversely proportional to the degree of cross-linking of the HA.

Chromafend™ Biofunctional

Chromafend™ Biofunctional is a unique linseed extract designed to help preserve the melanin in hair follicles. Specific protein markers are the targets of this innovative technology, which are key for controlling the synthesis of melanin. Several research studies, both in vitro and in vivo, show that Chromafend™ Biofunctional enhances the essential markers to protect the natural colour of hair. This protection technology can help preserve and protect the natural beauty of hair, which results in a younger and healthier look.

The loss of hair colour can be induced by external factors, such as exposure to the sun or a polluted environment, in addition to genetics and ageing. The action of this powerful active substance plays a key role in helping hair to maintain its natural colour and to obtain healthier, younger and fuller hair.

The aforementioned in vitro and in vivo studies have shown the capacity of Chromafend™ Biofunctional to reinforce the expressions of essential proteins protecting the hair’s natural colour. The main targeted proteins were the expressions of tyrosinase and TRP1 in order to help in the production of melanin. A total of six protein expressions studied in vitro were stimulated to help favour the production, synthesis, processes and transfer mechanisms of melanin.


Melitane ™ is an agonist biomimetic peptide of α-MSH (melanocyte-stimulating hormone). Biomimetic peptides form a smaller chain than peptides of the skin, and they have high specificity when acting on physiological mechanisms of the skin. Oligopeptides and polypeptides, which replicate, fulfil important tasks entrusted by peptide hormones, by neurotransmitters or by neuromodulators (neuropeptides). α-MSH is a natural substance produced by the body. It participates in several physiological activities, such as pigmentation, anti-inflammatory actions and the repair of DNA, and it contains immunosuppressive properties. This substance binds to its receptor (MC1-R), which is expressed in melanocytes and keratinocytes, and it can trigger several biochemical cascades.

Roles of α-MSH in cells of the skin.

When α-MSH binds to MC1-R in the melanocytes, MC1-R activates a path that includes the activity of tyrosinase and the production of melanin pigments. The presence and transfer of melanin pigments to the epidermis causes natural-looking colour, but it also protects the deeper layers of the skin from the harmful effects of UV rays. An α-MSH biomimetic peptide such as Melitane™ provides this action on pigmentation and deep protection.

On the other hand, the binding of α-MSH to MC1-R in the keratinocytes also improves the recovery of DNA through modulation of the function of the DNA repair molecules. Melitane™ prevents and limits the damage caused by exposure to UV rays, and as much as possible, it avoids the photoageing induced by the formation of grey hair. By limiting the action of α-MSH, Melitane™ induces pigmentation, as well as the protection and repair of DNA and an anti-inflammatory action.

  1. Action on pigmentation

Pigmentation is the most important protection mechanism against UV radiation. Over-exposure to UV rays causes damage to the skin and to the hair in the short term, and it can lead to several skin diseases and even cancer in the long term. The formation of melanin (eumelanin and pheomelanin) is catalysed by tyrosinase, and it is responsible for the various colours of skin, hair and pigmentation types. Moreover, melanin acts as an eliminator of free radicals, and it is generally considered to be a natural filter that blocks the main UV rays.

In vitro studies have shown that Melitane™ stimulates the synthesis of melanin by increasing the activity of the tyrosinases of the cells in melanocytes. Likewise, in vivo studies have shown the efficacy of Melitane™ in inducing pigmentation of the skin and hair and at producing melanin under conditions induced by UV radiation. The result of this action is a significant strengthening of the skin and hair's protection against daily UV rays, while providing long-lasting natural colour.

  1. Action on DNA

Damage to DNA is one of the most critical causes of ageing of the skin and hair. Reactive oxygen species and UV rays are two of the main factors in this deterioration, which can cause erythema, sunburns, the formation of grey hair and inflammation, with added risks of immunosuppression, photoageing, gene mutation and the development of malignant skin tumours.

Melitane ™ has been designed to not only protect cells from DNA damage but also increase the natural repair mechanisms by imitating the natural protection and repair system.

  1. Action on inflammation

The inflammation caused by exposure to ultraviolet (UV) light has been well documented, clinically and histologically.

Active oxygen radicals are important in the pathogenesis of injury by UV radiation. These active oxygen species also lead to the generation of inflammatory mediators such as cytokines, prostaglandins, tumour necrosis factor, interleukins and other metabolites that amplify the inflammatory cascade. Ultraviolet rays in sunlight destroy the cells in the outer layer of the skin, thereby damaging the small blood vessels underneath. Once skin burns, the blood vessels dilate and lose liquid. The visible manifestations of that inflammation are reddening, sunburns, swelling, pain, irritation, etc.

The inhibition activity of Melitane™ in the synthesis of pro-inflammatory cytokines has been shown in various in vitro studies. The anti-inflammatory and soothing properties of Melitane™ have also been evaluated in a clinical study with 27 volunteers, in which Melitane™ proved to be active at making the skin less sensitive to the erythema induced by UV rays.

By stimulating pigmentation, protecting and repairing the damage to DNA and reducing the inflammation caused by UV rays, Melitane ™ represents an ideal complement to our own levels of natural melanin, and it strengthens the defences of the skin and hair against the negative effects of UV rays and free radicals.

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