The recovery of natural hair colour and the stoppage of grey hair is a slow process, which can be perceived after a month applying the products of the anti-grey hair treatment of REDENHAIR, but it begins to be noticeable after approximately three months. For this reason, it is crucial to be patient and to be aware to every stage of the process of capillary repigmentation, which can change depending on each person and the duration of the application of the products from the beginning.
Week 1
Before start using the LOTION and the ANTI-GREY HAIR, you should read carefully the instructions. Apply the lotion maximum twice a day and do not wash your hair after the application. While using the shampoo, make a massage and let it work for at least two minutes to ensure the infiltration of the assets. Consume two pills daily with the meals. We recommend to replace your capillary hygiene products into free sulphate products, as REDENHAIR, which are not aggressive to the scalp.
NOTE: If your hair is dyed, the best way to see the results is stopping dying it. However, it will be more difficult to observe the progressive colour change since you had it coloured by custom. Be patient, so over the weeks the treatment benefits will be visible and you will keep your hair healthy and free of aggressive dyes.
Week 2
You may notice that some hairs were in transition to grey hair and they return into their inititial natural colour. That is a good sign, that means the melanin that melanocytes secrete has been multiplied thanks to the active ingredient action, being able to preserve the hair colour.
If you have not noticed this change yet, do not worry, it is normal. In order to recover the initial colour, some metabolic processes stimulated by the active ingredients must take place and that may take some weeks to see the first results depending on each person.
Week 4
After one month applying the products, according to the effectiveness study that has been carried out on both products, you can observe a decrease in the percentage of the grey hair in many users, affirming that it is an effective treatment. After getting the subjective questionnaires, users affirm to note an effective action on their scalp after applying the products, being, also, an easy routine to follow and with easy usable elements.
Week 8
Possibly, you may have observed your hair repigmentation. Use the MIRROR 360º by REDENHAIR to observe these small and continuous changes. If not, you should not worry: continue with your routine and the results will arrive. Since two months of application, according to the effectiveness study that has been carried out on the treatment, the users get a capillary colour improvement that begins to be significant.
Week 12
At this stage, the LOTION, the SHAMPOO and the PILLS ANTI-GREY HAIR treatment has demonstrated that it stabilizes the grey hair formation significantly and it stimulates the melanin formation for the repigmentation of the hair that has not lost all its content yet. Since the three months of application, according to the effectiveness study carried out, the majority of the users observe a decrease on the number of grey hairs and they recover the natural capillary colour. Also, the 95% of people perceive an improvement on their general hair apperance and the 100% affirm the three products routine is easy to follow.
Since that moment, the treatment can either be continued to improve the results or can be stopped during a certain period of time and keep the usage of some products such as the shampoo or the lotion to preserve the achieved results and even, to improve them.