These cells are present in the root of each hair. As the years go by, metabolic waste accumulates, such as oxygen free radicals and cellular detritus in them, with the consequent cellular damage.
In the Institute of Ricerche Applicate (IRALAB) in Italy, they have recently developed an active principle with a powerful antioxidant action that manages to avoid the reactions that trigger free radicals and that lead to numerous aging processes, including the formation of gray hair.
Nucleo Trico-Hyal® is the result of the innovative idea of using cross-linked hyaluronic acid as an extended-release cosmetic active ingredient (HYALU-CAGE SYSTEM®). This system involves the creation of a cage of hyaluronic acid that retains the active ingredients that fight against the formation of gray hair, thus protecting them from external agents that prevent their complete penetration. This revolutionary anti-aging ingredient is made up of polyphenols and polynucleotides and has been developed specifically for hair care.
- The benefits provided by Nucleo Trico-Hyal® are the following:
- High antioxidant activity of polyphenols that improves follicular activity, detoxifies cells and combats graying caused by aging.
The polynucleotides contained stimulate cellular regeneration and multiplication, penetrate the follicle with a stimulating, nourishing and revitalizing action, optimizing the oxygenation of the bulb and increasing cellular metabolism.
- Thanks to this exclusive formula, Nucleo Trico-Hyal®:
- Acts to reverse the process of gray hair formation.
- It stimulates hair growth.
- Improves cellular integrity thanks to its antioxidant action.
- Reconstruct hair structure.
- This is basically an active anti-aging complex that improves hydration and cell regeneration, providing essential active ingredients to protect melanocytes and hair from free radicals and oxidative stress.
HYALU-CAGE SYSTEM® was born from the innovative idea of using hyaluronic acid (HA) as an extended-release cosmetic active ingredient. This system is based on the creation of an HA cage that encloses the active principles that act against the formation of gray hair. In this way, each active is protected from external agents and, thanks to the natural enzymatic degradability of hyaluronic acid, they are released gradually, becoming bioavailable for a prolonged period.
The HA used is of biotechnological origin and is cross-linked. This procedure allows to create an HA gel with different degrees of crosslinking and, therefore, with "variable cages", which in turn allows to build a perfect envelope for each active ingredient with specific actions for capillary health according to its dimension molecular.
The image shows a grid of several dimensions formed from HYALU-CAGE SYSTEM® (cross-linked hyaluronic acid), which contains caged active principles. The gradual release of the active ingredient is due to the presence of hyaluronidase on the surface of the skin.
The crosslinked HA is more resistant to the enzymatic action of hyaluronidase and said resistance increases with the degree of crosslinking. This means that, the greater the degree of cross-linking of HA, the slower its degradation and, consequently, the release of the asset. In other words, the rate of release of the "caged" active ingredient is inversely proportional to the degree of crosslinking of the HA.
Polyphenols are a group of chemical substances found in plants characterized by the presence of more than one phenol group per molecule. In nature, polyphenols are produced by the secondary metabolism of plants and, depending on the chemical diversity that characterizes them, play different roles: defense of herbivores and pathogens, mechanical support and barrier function against microbial invasions, attraction of pollinators and inhibitors ofincrease
against competing plants. From a chemical point of view, polyphenols are against molecules composed of several cycles of condensed phenol (organic compounds that have one or more hydroxyl groups -OH attached to an aromatic ring).
According to their structure, they can be separated schematically into three classes, mainly simple phenols, flavonoids and tannins. Polyphenols protect cells from the damage caused by free radicals, which are generated by the normal cellular metabolism of events that induce stress, such as radiation, smoke, pollutants, UV rays, emotional and physical stress, chemical additives, etc. They are able to neutralize these free radicals before they can react with biological molecules, and in this sense, they have been shown to be valid protective agents against ionizing radiation.
Thanks to this antioxidant effects, polyphenols help hair maintain its natural color and shine.
Daily treatments with a product containing Nucleo Trico-Hyal® are an excellent way to combat free radicals, capable of effectively counteracting the process of gray hair formation due to aging.
In fact, Nucleo Trico-Hyal® has a strong detoxifying effect on the hair, giving it more strength and shine. Strong physical or emotional stress can reduce the vitality of the hair and induce hair loss. As if this were not enough, the hair is often worn down by everyday products (fixers, dyes, shampoos and aggressive cosmetics ...) and by excessive exposure to sunlight.
In addition, since there is a direct connection between nutritional status and the synthesis of keratin in the hair and nails, restrictive and / or unbalanced diets can cause structural weakness in the hair and hair loss. In all these cases, the progressive use of products that specifically contain Nucleo Trico-Hyal® is the best solution to restore color and hair health.
The polynucleotides are organic molecules of the polymer encompassed by the covalent nucleotide monomers linked in a chain. DNA and RNA are examples of polynucleotides with specific biological function. The polynucleotides contained in Nucleo Trico-Hyal® are cytidine monophosphate, uridine disodium phosphate and adenosine phosphate. The actions of these molecules include the stimulation of cell growth by increasing their metabolic activity. The final effect is the optimization of tissue trophism, with the consequent increase in hair growth. These polynucleotides are true activators of tissue regeneration. Therefore, they are very suitable to treat cases in which the massive stimulation of cellular trophism is advantageous, as in cases of hair loss.
In this in vitro study, the antioxidant and biostimulant capacity of a solution with culture medium for 5% hair follicles of Nucleo Trico-Hyal® was compared with a placebo solution that only contained culture medium and saline solution.
The objective of the study was to demonstrate that Nucleo Trico-Hyal® could perform an antioxidant and biostimulant effect in the cells of the hair bulb. The evaluation was conducted for nine weeks
As can be seen in the following graph, the data indicate that the biostimulant and antioxidant
capacity of the solution containing 5% of Nucleo Trico-Hyal® has an average increase of 30%, while the increase with the placebo solution was not meaningful These results suggest that the topical application of products containing Nucleo Trico-Hyal® reduces the effect of intracellular free radicals with the consequent reduction of hair loss, the reduction of gray hair formation and the general improvement of capillary appearance.
In this test, the effect of Nucleo Trico-Hyal® was evaluated in vivo considering the capillary parameters of dryness and brightness.
The product investigated was a balsam with 1% Trico-Hyal® Core that was compared with the same base balm without the active one.
- 20 healthy volunteers with undamaged hair were enrolled according to the following inclusion criteria:
• Good general health
• Absence of hair pathologies
• Absence of topical or systemic pharmacological treatment
• No medical history of allergic contact dermatitis
• No participation in similar studies during the previous 3 months
The volunteers were males and females between 30 and 45 years old. Ten of them applied the base balm with Nucleo Trico-Hyal® and another ten applied the placebo balm. All the volunteers used 10 ml of product, massaged it in their hair and let it act for about 3 minutes. Then rinse the Conditioner with warm water, taking care not to massage the hair in excess. The brightness and dryness parameters were evaluated 4 hours before and 4 hours after the application.
The subjects reported that after 20 days of treatment with Nucleo Trico-Hyal® balm the hair was more alive, bright, smooth and hydrated, being easier to comb and reducing static electricity. The Nucleo Trico-Hyal® balm makes the hair more manageable, reduces static electricity, increases the adherence of the cuticle to the stem and maintains the correct structure of superimposed layers, which facilitates its handling. It is a great treatment for the cosmetic conditions of the hair, like the split ends. In fact, the effects of hyaluronic acid result in a significant increase in capillary hydration, visibly improving its appearance.
After the application of the products, there was an increase in the hydration of the hair for both, but this increase was greater for the balsam with Nucleo Trico-Hyal®. Four hours after the application, the hydration of the hair increased from 10% to 22% for the Trico-Hyal® Core balm, while it increased from 10% to 13% for the placebo balm, as shown in the following diagram.
In short, it can be concluded that a single application of Trico-Hyal® Core balm achieves a progressive increase in hair hydration.
Because it is an active ingredient, it is not possible to apply directly to the hair, but it must be applied in a lotion or shampoo. The REDENHAIR ANTIGRAY LOTION contains 0.5% TRICO-HYAL® NUCLEUS and a series of active ingredients such as GREYVERSE ™ (2%), MELITANE ™ (0.5%), REDENSYL® (0.5%) and CHROMAFEND ™ BIOFUNCTIONAL ™ (0.5%), the powerful combination with the most beneficial effect for capillary health, the disappearance of gray hair and the arrest of capillary loss.
The continuous innovation and our great team of experts achieve maximum efficiency of our products, for this reason we are pioneers in the development of products that take care of capillary health to the maximum.
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