We are proud to present the excellent results of the last clinical -instrumental study by an external laboratory, on the efficiency of our hair regenerative treatment REDENHAIR scientifically backed with a powerful formula that combines 35 natural active ingredients of the highest quality to fight hair aging, preventing hair loss.
The study aims to assess the effectiveness of our treatment for hair care (food supplements and cosmetics) in healthy men showing alopecia type I to III vertex, according to the Hamilton Norwood scale, used by professionals to classify the baldness patient’s degree.
We have focused this medical test synergistic actions of our two flagship products of regenerative REDENHAIR treatment: HAIR NUTRITION SUPPLEMENT and HAIR REGENERATOR SERUM FORTE, which help reduce hair loss and slow the dreaded drop.
The efficacy of the two products of treatment was assessed by two techniques during the three months of the test:
- Phototrichogram: a photographic studio quality over an area of hair shaven allowed to count the number of hairs on a mesh network was performed. It passed the one-month period is performed again a new photo and compared, repeatedly until the three months of treatment. Since only anagen hairs grow, it will detect any anomalies.
- Clinical evaluation with control patients.
A total of 30 European Caucasian men who had a good health, over 18 years old were chosen, and they suffered androgenetic alopecia type I to III vertex:
- No hair loss is called "type I".
- Mild recession of the frontal hairline is called "type II".
- Type III indicates greater frontal loss, and is considered" cosmetically significant'. The subset of type III, called" apex III ' shows frontal recession with significant hair loss in the region of the vertex scalp.
According to the results obtained in the last trial, HAIR REGENERATOR SERUM FORTE and tablets HAIR NUTRITION SUPPLEMENT REDENHAIR were well tolerated by the subjects participating in the study during the trial period and gave amazing results after treatment for three months.
One of the characteristics that form the regenerative REDENHAIR range is the selection of a total of 35 active ingredients with the highest quality and effectiveness to stop hair loss, stimulating proper growth and maintenance of hair follicles.
- 100% of users say that products are highly effective.
The active winning Redensyl® included in the full range of products REDENHAIR is the most innovative breakthrough against hair loss and the best alternative to hair transplant. It is the first active cosmetic, based on research of regenerative medicine, giving better results than a full procedure of hair transplant surgery. It targets the hair follicle cells to reactivate its division and stimulate anagen initiation. Thus conclude that include this powerful asset in our formulation was judged positively by most of the subjects participating in the clinical study obtained:
• An increase (+ 10.9 %) of hair in the anagen (growth).
• A decrease (-10.9 %) of hair in the telogen (fall).
This means that if the scalp has an average of 110,000 hair follicles, of which some grow and others fall daily, with the combined use of serum and REDENHAIR tablets increase more than 10% per phase, it means that we will win at least 10,000 new hairs using the two products synergistically for 90 days. Capixyl ™ is the only active ingredient combined with natural herbal extracts (red tea with Biochain-A) that works effectively solving androgen level strengthening hair problems. In your daily recommended dose incorporating our HAIR REGENERATOR SERUM FORTE with its use we will achieve a stronger and healthier hair. This was demonstrated by the medical result stating that 100 % of users notice your hair more strength.
It has been shown that Capixyl ™ promotes a better anchoring of the hair fiber, stimulates ECM proteins and also has a direct effect on hair follicles, increasing the vitality and size of the hair fibers and providing a greater feeling of volume for hair. The results of the medical study confirm these excellent properties:
- Improved hair volume that improved 10.0%, 46.7% and 66.7 % of subjects, after 1, 2, and 3 months of product use, respectively.
- An improvement on the appearance of hair at 20.0 % , 56.7 % and 63.3 % of subjects after 1, 2, and 3 months of use of the product, respectively.
However, these figures show us that the longer we use regenerator treatments products REDENHAIR would get better hair healthy results, feeling both volume and appearance. We cannot forget also awarded PROCAPIL ™. It is an herbal complex containing natural active compounds that help anchor more firmly the hair follicles in the scalp and make denser cells of the hair bulb own, allowing them to keep the young and care hair with a healthier appearance. In addition, it increases blood flow to the scalp, allowing the arrival of more nutrients to enrich the hair, improving capillary circulation and fighting the aging process of the hair follicle to prevent his fall. With what participants in our clinical study were obtained:
- 100 % of subjects feel your hair healthier and care.
Below we cite the results of the clinical study according to the items raised to verify and test the effectiveness of hair serum and food tablets REDENHAIR together. The positive response rate was at least 80%, which can confirm the quality and usefulness of our ingredients and products regenerative range REDENHAIR:
- 96.7 % of people who have used HAIR REGENERATOR SERUM FORTE and HAIR NUTRITION SUPPLEMENT has more reinforced hair after 90 days treatment, of which 93.3 % feel the hair root also more enhanced.
- 96.7 % of people after using the regenerative treatment REDENHAIR note a decrease in hair loss.
- 83.3 % have a sense of an increased volume of your hair.• 93.3 % believe that the products are suitable for your hair type.
- 100% of people who have taken the test note efficacy.
- 93.3 % believe that performing the ritual REDENHAIR is easy.
- 100 % say that the products are easy to use.
The table here below reports the data obtained for each subject participating in the study. Data are reported as shown in the legend.
Hair volumen: -3 Greatly decreased; -2 Moderately decreased; -1 Slightly decreased; 0 No change; 1 Slightly increased; 2 Moderately increased; 3 Greatly increased.
Hair appearance: -3 Greatly worsened; -2 Moderately worsened; -1 Slightly worsened; 0 No change; 1 Slightly improved; Moderately improved; 3 Greatly improved.
We enclose photographs of our clinical study that confirm the results mentioned above after finishing REDENHAIR regenerative treatment:
For the full clinical study: https://www.redenhair.com/es/content/24-estudio-clinico-redenhair